So another wonderful holiday is coming up where children can be carefree, Summer. But wait, we don’t want you to be too carefree now would we? So we’ll just announce that there’s a terror threat. It’s just that like every over protective parent, we want you to be safe.
No, that’s not it. We want to protect us and our friends who hate it when protesters show up at our nice little get-togethers, like the G8 party we’re throwing in Sea Island, Georgia.
You’re probably thinking that I’ve gone off the deepend here with another conspiracy theory. Well, I haven’t. You see by stating that there’s a eminent threat of a terror attack this summer, they have now given the governor of Georgia a valid excuse for having declared on May 7 a State of Emergency starting Monday through the time of the G8 Summit. And as it happens, just last week the town on the mainlaid that nearest to Sea Island, Brunswick, passed a little law making it legal for the police to terminate protests for any reason when there’s a State of Emergency in Georgia. Well, isn’t that just dandy!
According to this article,
“Melton said the governor did not know that Brunswick planned to amend its law to allow for suspension of protest rights under a state of emergency. And Brunswick Mayor Brad Brown said he didn’t know the governor had already declared a state of emergency until after the city adopted the legal change.”
However, since Georgia declared a State of Emergency when the Olympics were held there it is no surprise that they would call another one during the G8. Oh and Gov. Purdue is the first Republican to hold that office since Reconstruction. So, he probably wants to be in the good books with the party and the President. With this in mind, you can interpret their actions only as collusion to keep protesters away from the Summit.
The area of Sea Island has close ties with the Bush family. Ma and Pa Bush honeymooned at this island/private resort and return often. The resort hosts the Walker golf tournament, which is named after Bush’s grandfather, George Herbert Walker. Even Sea Island’s CEO admits they have ties to the President. Georgia Trend Magzine quotes the reasons as to why they were picked as the venue, “That includes security, it includes the fact that we have a Republican governor, we have military bases nearby and we have a reputation for service. When you put all that together, I believe we were their No. 1 choice and they recommended us to the President. The President probably got some input from his father, though I have no reason to know [whether] that happened. I like to believe that [the former] President Bush would have been supportive.”
So everyone is scratching each other’s back on this event. Not surprising, but in the end the little guy loses out yet again resulting in a potential ban of protesters who are looking out for the little guy. But why are they all so afraid of the little guy?
I’m not holding my breath that the ACLU will have any luck getting the law changed. Everyone best be on their best behavior there, because there is a chance that what happened in Seattle will happen again.
So just remember that the terror level is set at yeller.