In this week’s Metro, the Fly had a brief write up about someone who’s placing hoods on the Rodin statues at Stanford and writing “Rumsfeld was here” in chalk on the ground. A project design grad student, Steve Bishop, was able to snaps some photos of the hooded Rodin statues before the Cantor Arts Center museum staff dehooded them. My favorite quote from the article is from Bishop, “To me, that’s kind of ironic to worry about the statues and not the people at Abu Gharib.”
Sadly I have not heard about this protest in any of the media around here besides some footnote in the local papers. It would be interesting if any of the mainstream media picked this up. However, they’ve all moved on to a new controversial topic: the price of gas.
Picture of the hooded Rodin statues at Stanford
Link to Article about the Protest of One – you have to scroll to the bottom of the page.